5 Tips on How to Be a Better TikTok Live Streaming Host
Live streaming has been very popular in Southeast Asia lately. The demand for the live streaming host has also risen significantly. Think you’re ready to go live? Read our live streaming ultimate guide first. After that, read these tips and tricks you could use to level up your live streaming game and create that unique value proposition compared to other hosts.
1. Host is not only the leader but also the mastermind
Before the real live stream starts, it is necessary to design the entire show’s process to make the entire session smooth, rhythmic, and fun. Prepare well by reading all the information needed regarding the product you’re going to sell online. Create cue cards and rundowns for your reference. Also, compare the price from different platforms. Find the pain point of your audience and solve it with your product. At last, remember to spend 5 to 10 minutes explaining the checkout process from payment method until shipping.
2. Highlight key selling point
The advantages of live streaming is the host can showcase the product and try it in front of the audience. Hence, enabling audiences to see what the product looks like and how it works. Make sure to fully charge electronics product and works properly.. So, when you show the product, it will go smoothly. Don’t forget to highlight all the features and “plus points” of the products and give reasons for the audience to consider purchasing the product.
To help you with describing products, here are some describing phrases and examples you could use:
- Oh my god! Look at the color, it’s so pretty! As if it pops out of my lips. It livens up my whole look.
- It’s very flavourful, doesn’t taste salty at all, instead you get that umami taste dancing on your tongue and also you get that smoky taste and smell because it is perfectly charred on both sides. I could eat like ten of these in one go.
- As you can see, the cutting is perfect. It makes your waist look slimmer but the most important thing is that it’s very comfortable, the fabric touches smoothly on your skin and it’s a natural color so you can mix and match it with tops of various colors. But if you want something that stands out, it also comes with other bold colors such as these…
3. Interaction is key
On live streams, as a host, audiences will bombard you with a lot of questions. You need to answer the question correctly and clearly. Sometimes there will be questions irrelevant to the product. You can use it as an intermezzo to keep the session interesting. Also, when there is an after-sale service question, such as shipping problems or broken goods, you also need to explain them during the sessions. You can use these types of questions as a technique to promote order transactions because they enhance a sense of trust towards you and the products you’re selling.
4. Promotion! Promotion! Promotion!
The biggest driving force of live streaming is a lot of promotion. Promotions urge the audience to buy the product. Use terms such as “maximum discount”, “buy … get …”, time-limited, limited stocks, etc to enhance the urgency.
To help you with promotions, here are some phrases & examples that live broadcasters usually use:
- The market price is $10, but today you get 30% off. So one product is only $7 and if you claim the voucher on your cart, you get an additional $1 off.
- This price is the lowest in the entire network and there will never be such a price in the future
- Besides a 50% discount, you will get an extra product.Correct, it’s 50% off plus buy 1 get 1 free.
5. Call to action
The most important phrases that you would say over and over again are call-to-action phrases, such as “buy now”, “checkout now”, “purchase now”, etc. This acts as a reminder to your audience to buy the product you’re selling.
Having difficulty finding the right host for your next live streaming? Collaborate with us !
4 Responses
Your article related to new topic is very informative and reliable for read if readers read it.
Hi forspecialnews!
Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback. We really appreciate it. Looking forward to seeing your comments on our other very interesting articles for you to follow.
Bagaimana cara membuat materi live streaming yang tidak mempromosikan produk, misalnya tema kesehatan lansia
Hi Yogi moko,
Untuk membuat materi live streaming untuk kesehatan lansia, dapat mengikuti beberapa point berikut ini:
1. Survey atau tanya jawab: Tanyakan langsung ke lansia atau keluarga mereka tentang masalah kesehatan yang sering mereka hadapi.
2. Cek tren di Media Sosial: Lihat konten kesehatan lansia yang populer di Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, atau Facebook.
3. Forum & Komunitas: Gabung di grup Facebook, Reddit, atau forum kesehatan untuk melihat topik yang banyak dibahas.
4. Pilih topik yang menarik & bermanfaat untuk menarik banyak penonton.
5. Buat Format Interaktif seperti Q&A secara LIVE: Minta penonton bertanya di kolom komentar.
6. Buat Jadwal Live yang konsisten: Misalnya, setiap minggu di hari dan jam yang sama.
7. Promosikan di Media Sosial: Gunakan poster atau teaser video.
8. Gunakan Platform yang Tepat: Instagram Reels, Facebook Live, YouTube Live, atau TikTok untuk menjangkau lebih banyak orang.
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